Meet the North goes live!

Man looking out window with iceberg

My latest project, Meet the North, is up and running, and I’m running with it. In the past two months, I’ve reported from Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Iceland and Nunavut. I leave for Greenland very soon and will be back to Iceland (for an awesome road trip with photographer Eric Guth) in September.

I posted a little bit about my new role as Field Correspondent with Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic in the spring. Since then, we’ve created and launched a project to learn about life in the north, all around the world.

Here’s a bit from the project web site:

#meetthenorth is a project about the lives of northerners from Svalbard to Greenland, Iceland, the Canadian Arctic, and beyond. These are among the most remarkable places on Earth, and the best way to understand them is to ask those who know them best.

This project gets its direction from the people of the north. Their ideas set our path; we listen, and we follow their lead. By meeting one person at a time, and by asking that person to introduce us to someone new, we are getting to know the Arctic community, and we are sharing our journey with you.

That’s it. Meet one person and ask for an introduction to someone new.

Find us on Instagram @meetthenorth, follow the Meet the North web site, or sign up for my newsletter to get updates.

This is going to be fun.

Meet the North header
Photo by Eric Guth

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