Jennifer’s research and stories resonate around the world
Stories that matter
“That story, it’s my life. And I wouldn’t have trusted it to anyone else.”
– Shelly Elverum, Pond Inlet, Nunavut
Stories are an essential part of our being, and sharing someone else’s story is a big responsibility. This documentary, Meet the Elverums, about love and renewal on Baffin Island, exemplifies the stories that draw Jennifer in. She made it for CBC Radio’s The Sunday Edition.
“This documentary was like a shot of liquid sunshine. It lit up all the spaces in my heart.”
– CBC listener from Hope, B.C.
Leveraging journalism globally
“Part of my role as CEO of Lindblad Expeditions is to recognize potential and to lift it up. Jennifer’s creativity, reliability and exceptional communications skills struck me when I met her aboard our ship, the National Geographic Explorer, and I offered to support her in creating a journalism project.”
– Sven-Olof Lindblad
Meet the North
Lindblad Expeditions was a major sponsor of Jennifer’s storytelling through a unique journalism sponsorship. Meet the North has reached a global audience through this collaboration.
Creativity & Leadership
“She is an exceptionally talented journalist. It was immediately clear that she has the leadership qualities including empathy, creativity and commitment, that foster outstanding work.”
– Joe MacInnis, author of Deep Leadership
Writing as exploration
“Kingsley is a keen observer of both landscapes, interior and exterior. The book is an emotional read, a sense of longing or yearning running throughout. Kingsley is a fine and vulnerable writer.”
– Jill Frayne, the Literary Review of Canada
National Outdoor Book Award
Jennifer’s first book, Paddlenorth: Adventure, Resilience, and Renewal in the Arctic Wild won the National Outdoor Book Award.
Stories told live
Jennifer’s audio recordings alongside Eric Guth’s photography make for live presentations that journey into diversity, culture, and the unexpected.
“I saw Jennifer give a presentation in Antarctica, and it was something very unique and special; I have not heard or seen these type of stories before … So timely, and really powerful. The world needs to know about these people and stories.”
– Mike Libecki, National Geographic Explorer of the Year
“That’s a key thing about Jennifer: she listens more than she talks”
– Wade Davis, author & anthropologist
On Fieldwork and Meet the North
“I think this Meet the North is absolutely a wonderful idea. Spending time with the people, spending time in the communities is a very valuable thing to do because that is the best way you can fully understand the culture and the society that we live in. And talking to people personally one-on-one you get the fuller idea, you get the full picture as to what we are all about up here.”
– Eva Aariak, Inuktut language expert and former premier of Nunavut