Paddlenorth ships out this week!

My first book, Paddlenorth, shipped from the printer late last week, which means it is on its way to stores across Canada, and it will be in the U.S. a bit later in the fall. The official publication date is September 13, 2014 in Canada and October 14 in the U.S.
You can still pre-order it, and I would love it if you did. Soon, I’ll post on 5 Ways You Can Help the Authors You Love, and pre-ordering the book is a BIG one. The funny thing is, if you order it now you might get a copy before I do. So you can tell me how it looks.
To order in Canada, click here, and for more details on ordering, visit the book page.
Get my book before I do?
I am headed to Kugluktuk tomorrow at the mouth of the Coppermine River north of the Arctic Circle. I’m joining the National Geographic Explorer, where I will talk about expedition paddling and Paddlenorth. I might have to do that without any copies of the book . . . because you can’t get books to Kugluktuk from Winnipeg in 4 days or less.
Luckily, I’ve got Andrea at Greystone Books who explored express air shipping ($350/box), cargo flights (too slow), DHL to the Kugluktuk Airport (too slow) and passenger pigeons (extinct, damn). We’re hoping a few copies will arrive at my friend’s doorstep in Edmonton sometime today.