New Assignment for 2015!
I’m writing with an exciting new announcement for 2015.
I am thrilled to tell you that this week I became the first Global Field Correspondent for Lindblad Expeditions in partnership with National Geographic.
I will continue working as a guide and naturalist – this year to Vietnam, Cambodia, Svalbard, Greenland, Ellesmere Island and Antarctica – but there’s more. I will begin extending these trips into independent journalistic assignments in search of compelling stories. The stories will be a mix of writing, images and sound. It’s a brand new idea and a big blank slate, and I’m off to New York next week to start putting it all in motion. What it means for you is new stories and likely some fun and mishap as this journey gets rolling.
It will be a year of big adventure. If this means that some things don’t go as planned, I will take heart from a letter I received from a reader and friend, Gloria. She said that when something isn’t working out, inserting the word “adventure” helps you stay positive. Picture it: the “adventure toilet,” the “adventure train,” the “adventure breakfast.” Something tells me I might have cause to try this technique in the coming months.
Until next time, may your plans work out, and for what remains . . . call it an adventure.